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Showing posts from May, 2015

Beach Stones...

In its new home! New York, NY!!

Mailing Art

Finally! I have just spent 3 days preparing, protecting, packaging, wrapping and boxing up  "Beach Stones". The 32" x 40" x 1 1/2" painting is SOLD and just left this morning for Brooklyn, New York. Thanks Ian!  SOLD!  

Master Class

Thanks again to Brian Smith for inviting me to participate in his  Master Class at his studio at King and Spadina.  Complete a value study in reverse The image on the left is the reverse value (darks where there is light, etc.)  The right photo is reversed in photoshop.  It was really difficult to switch your brain around. Honestly I thought this exercise was pointless until Brian  showed us on his cell the reverse picture :) The next project was to incorporate random typography into your drawing. Number 1 I started with a charcoal rendering with no idea of where my type was going to go.  I thought that the reference to black and white and colour was clever... I think it looks very Toulouse-Lautrec... Number 2 I started with a charcoal rendering and completed a blind contour drawing over it.  This created a really neat effect. I then glued the type on the top.  We had 3 hours left.... everyone but m...